the consciously good choice

Treatment plan

Treatment plan

The first step of a successful dental treatment is the personal consultation. The purpose of the personal consultation is to find out the present state of your teeth and if necessary, using digital diagnostic devices (panoramic X-ray, intraoral X-ray). We detect the problems that require dental treatment. Your dental specialist provides you detailed information about your dental problems that need to deal with. We talk about the possible, ideal solutions to these problems, taking into consideration your ideas and possibilities. The outcome of the consultation is described in a treatment plan, so that you know everything about your future treatments and their prices

Based on the oral cavity examination and the eventually needed panoramic X-ray, your dentist will explain clearly and in details the ideal solutions to these problems and find out how the necessary treatments can be performed in accordance with your ideas and possibilities. Every dental problem is individual therefore we strive for providing realistic, affordable and customised options for You. This is reflected in the written dental treatment plan showing the viable solutions with their outcomes.

Frequently Asked Questions