The tartar is formed through calcification of the plaque. It contains high amount of bacteria, which can cause bleeding gums, inflammation, and finally even bone destruction. If it is far gone, the teeth may become so loose, that they even can fall out.
During the treatment the ultrasonic equipment removes the built-up plaque, discoloration and tartar from the surface of the teeth while washing and cooling the teeth with water. The amount of the tartar is individually very different, that is why our dentists recommend repeating the treatment regularly in certain periods.
In ideal case it is advised at least every six months, but there are patients who need it more frequently. The treatment is really important, but not enough. The patient must pay attention to the appropriate dental care: it is important to change the toothbrush every 2-3 months (we prefer to use electric toothbrush), to use dental floss and toothpaste of high quality.
Do not hesitate to ask for the opinion and help of our dentists if you are uncertain about the proper dental care.